
We’re proud to support the viability and safety of road transport businesses by advocating for our Members’ interests and those in the road transport industry.

Communicating our policies to Australian Governments and senior bureaucrats is a crucial part of our work. We work hard to ensure lawmakers understand the needs of our Members and care about things that matter to the freight industry.

What does NatRoad do?

What is Lobbying?

Lobbying plays an essential role in what we do. We influence governments and other parties to address road transport industry issues. This helps to improve the business environment for our Members and other industry participants.

Lobbying doesn’t happen overnight, though. Change takes time.

But with the combined strength of our Partners and Members, we’re able to make real, positive change to our industry.

Our key priorities are to service our Members and create the conditions for a thriving, safe and profitable road transport industry in Australia.

NatRoad is Australia’s leading Member services organisation for road transport businesses, providing leadership support and development for our Members and the industry at large. We strive to maximise road transport operating businesses’ viability by providing tools, advice, discounts, networking opportunities and industry education.

Our Priorities

We make formal submissions to governing bodies on policy issues affecting the road freight industry with the aim of improving the business environment for our Members and industry.

See our previous submissions here:


We currently consult working groups for expert feedback on industry issues, including input on formal submissions and help with policy formulation.

See more about our working groups here:

Working Groups

We aim to provide progressive leadership for the industry, led by data and insight. We recognise that research is a critical part of improving sector conditions, wellbeing and longevity. Here you will find reports and summaries of our research and studies.

See our Research Centre here:

Research Centre