Speeding Inquiry Underway

heavy vehicle update news roads trucking trucks

Read time: 1 min

The NSW Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety (Staysafe) is conducting an inquiry into speed limits and road safety in regional NSW. The inquiry terms of reference are on the Committee’s website.  NatRoad will be making a submission.  One of the issues that NatRoad has advocated for and which will form part of the upcoming submission is a change to the maximum speed for road trains in NSW.  We will be advocating that it be the same as for B doubles, 100 kms an hour not the current 90kmh limit imposed by permits.  The NatRoad view is that a better safety outcome is achieved if all heavy vehicles travel at the same maximum speed to reduce the need for overtaking. The difference in handling and stability for different types of combinations at a 10kmh speed difference is minimal and does not outweigh the benefits of the same maximum speed.

If members have a particular view on issues associated with speed, particularly on rural and regional roads, drop us an email at [email protected].