Determining the most appropriate wage rate under the Long Distance Award

Wage rates and allowances, 1 July 2024, truck driver wages rates, truck driver award wages, fair work truck driver award, minimum wage truck drivers Australia,
Our HR advisors receive questions about wages especially under Road Transport Long Distance Award. Find out the most appropriate wage rate here.

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One of the most common enquiries our HR advisors receive is about wages under the Road Transport (Long Distance Operations) Award 2020. In particular, our Members ask us: what wage is appropriate for a driver on a particular licence (e.g. HC licence)?

The Road Transport Award is different from others because the grades are based on the type and size of vehicle the person is driving rather than the licence they hold.

To make it easier, we’ve created a summary of the grade and relevant wage based on the current Award. You can view this on our website here:

Road Transport (Long Distance Operations) Award 2020
Pay rates as at 1 July 2024 for a full-time driver
Note: If the driver is casual, you will need to add on casual loading
Note: Does not include any other allowances the driver may be entitled to.
ClassificationsWeeklyHourlyKM rate
1 and 2NOTE: Grade levels in this award align with equivalent grade levels in the Road Transport and Distribution Award 2020. Grades 1 and 2 are not applicable to this award.
3Driver of 2 axle rigid vehicle up to 13.9 tonnes GVM. Capacity up to 8 tonnes.$975.50$38.04$0.5073
4Driver of 3 axle rigid vehicle over 13.9 tonnes GVM. Capacity over 8 and up to 12 tonnes.$992.70$38.72$0.5162
5Driver of 4 axle rigid vehicle over 13.9 tonnes GVM.   Driver of rigid vehicle and heavy trailer combination with GCM of 22.4 tonnes or less.   Driver of articulated vehicle with GCM of 22.4 tonnes or less.   Capacity over 12 tonnes$1,005.00$39.20$0.5226
6Driver of rigid vehicle and heavy trailer combination with GCM over 22.4 tonnes but not more than 42.5 tonnes.   Driver of articulated vehicle with GCM over 22.4 tonnes.   Driver of low loader (as defined) with GCM of 43 tonnes or less.   Capacity up to 24 tonnes.$1,016.40$39.64$0.5285
7Driver of rigid vehicle and heavy trailer combination with GCM over 42.5 tonnes but not more than 53.4 tonnes.   Driver of double articulated vehicle with GCM 53.4 tonnes or less (includes B‑doubles).   Driver of low loader (as defined) with GCM over 43 tonnes.$1,031.20$40.22$0.5362
8Driver of rigid vehicle and trailer(s) or double articulated vehicle with GCM over 53.4 tonnes (includes B-doubles).   Multi-axle trailing equipment up to 70 tonnes capacity.$1,061.20$41.39$0.5518
9Driver of road train or triple articulated vehicle exceeding 94 tonnes GCM.$1,078.90$42.08$0.561
10Multi-axle trailing equipment.$1,105.70$43.12$0.575