Members have their say


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Members have their say

In the 2019/2020 NatRoad Member Survey, a number of membership priorities and preferences were identified that will be developed further during 2020/2021.

Member Value

NatRoad members have indicated that advice and support in running their business are the most valuable member services available (61%), followed by discounted business services (51%) and effective lobbying for the industry (51%).

It is also clear that the industry is feeling the financial impact of the 2020 operating environment, with members seeking additional cost savings for home and business (57%), access to grants and investments (40%) and support to find work and clients (32%).


The NatRoad Member Survey allowed members to have their say about the areas of lobbying that are important to them to get their job done. NatRoad is working with Federal and State Governments to pursue of number of important issues.


NatRoad members have highlighted that they value the monthly newsletter and information update emails, with 89% favouring this method of communications over other methods including social media and apps. In addition, 65% of members found the content of the newsletters interesting and valuable and it met their expectations, with 32% of members indicating the newsletter exceeded their expectations.

Other methods of communication valued by members were face-to-face networking events, however, these events are not currently possible due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, NatRoad has increased delivery of webinars on important topics. These have been well received by members and are accessible on the website for members who cannot attend the live streaming. NatRoad looks forward to re-engaging with members at networking events once this is possible.

Membership model

Based on the survey results, the current membership model is the preferred model at 42% compared to other models. In addition, 31% of members prefer to have an all-inclusive membership, as opposed to a ‘pay as you go’ (8%) or ‘fee for basic services’ model (24%). The survey has shown that the current membership model is supported (42%).

NatRoad customer service delivery

Natroad customer service was rated as expected, with members highlighting that staff are professional and knowledgeable and able to resolve issues. However, NatRoad acknowledges that there is room to improve in these areas and is striving for exceptional servicing to our members.

In the coming financial year, NatRoad will develop customer service further. Members have indicated that to refer NatRoad to others, they base their referral on exceptional customer service to members (71%), the value of member benefits (62%) and NatRoad’s positive reputation in the industry (52%).