Public support for driver education is strong

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You have heard that NatRoad did some national research earlier this year to look at attitudes towards our industry.

We have been using the results to talk to policy-makers and governments about road transport’s importance to the economy and the relatively high regard truckies are held in by the community.

We’ll share some of the more interesting take-outs from time to time in our newsletter.

While our industry receives more than its share of unwarranted criticism, you will be pleased to hear that 81% Australians say truck drivers are considerate and drive well around other road users.

While 96% of motorists feel they drive well around trucks, only 48% feel the same way about the conduct of other drivers.

Your own experience on the road may not reflect the fact that 89% say they know that trucks may not be able to see their car, and 85% say they know to make sure there is room for a truck to stop safely before changing into its lane.

What is heartening is that 92% of Australians feel that truck awareness should be a mandatory part of driver education and licence testing.