Average Speed Enforcement Must include Light Vehicles

Read time: 1 min

A Productivity Commission information paper released on 9 October 2020 shows that average speed enforcement through the New South Wales camera network must be extended to include light vehicles. This has been the long-held view of the National Road Transport Association (NatRoad).

“The Productivity Commission has shown that the NSW Government has, for the past decade, used average speed enforcement as part of an expanded risk-based enforcement program, to increase compliance of heavy vehicles with speed limits.  The system should not just be limited to heavy vehicles but, in order to increase safety on highways in particular, should also cover light vehicles.  We call on the NSW Government to take that step as soon as possible,” said Mr Warren Clark, NatRoad Chief Executive Officer.

Through the use of average speed enforcement cameras, compliance of heavy vehicles with speed limits has been estimated to have reduced the number of heavy vehicle crashes by 29% and there has been a substantial reduction in fatal crashes and serious injury crashes since its introduction in New South Wales. According to the Productivity Commission report this represents a saving through reduced fatalities and serious injuries of $138 million to the community.

“With these numbers revealing that there is great benefit to the community in using average speed camera enforcement, it makes sense that all vehicles are covered.  The burden of enforcement through this system should not fall solely on the heavy vehicle sector,” Mr Clark concluded.

If you need further assistance please reach out to the NatRoad Member Services Team on 1800 272 144 (8.30 am – 5.00 pm AEST, Mon-Fri) or email info@natroad.com.au.