The Morrison Government’s green lighting of a new truck driving apprenticeship is a giant step forward for the heavy vehicle industry, the National Road Transport Association said today.
Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, Employment Minister, Stuart Robert, and Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport, Scott Buchholz, jointly announced the national apprenticeship yesterday.
States and territories are expected to move towards adopting the Certificate III in Driving Operation as part of their training programs so they can access Commonwealth funding.
NatRoad Chairman Scott Davidson said the news was a huge end-of-year boost for the heavy vehicle industry after yet another tough year.
It’s something NatRoad has been working hard to bring to the attention of government, in partnership with truck manufacturer PACCAR and the PACCAR Dealer Network since 2018 via our Future Ready strategy and we’re delighted to have been heard,” Mr Davidson said.
”NatRoad looks forward to working with the states and territories to make this a reality.”
Mr Davidson said he was delighted to see Prime Minister Morrison acknowledge the crucial role played by the industry in keeping Australia moving in his announcement.
“This builds the undeniable links between driver education, safety and professionalism and should be applauded by everyone.” Mr Davidson said.
“A shortage of skilled drivers is an ongoing problem for our sector and this will help alleviate that.
“Perhaps more critically, this promotes the aspiration of being a professional driver to a whole generation of young Australian men and women.”