Use biodiesel or renewable diesel?

Fuel Tax Credits, diesel, NatRoad, Road User Charge, RUC, Australian trucking,
If you use biodiesel or renewable diesel, NatRoad has detailed everything you need to know about claiming fuel tax credits.

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What you need to know about claiming fuel tax credits when it comes to diesel.

If you’re registered for GST and fuel tax credits, you can claim the excise duty paid on fuel used in eligible business activities. The amount you can claim depends on the fuel, the activities it’s used in, and when you acquired it.

The fuel tax credit rate for all renewable diesel and biodiesel blends up to B20, is the same as diesel.

If you are using a special fuel blend such as biodiesel blends above B20, different rates apply.  

Rates change regularly in:

  • February and August for excise duty and fuel tax credit rates
  • July for
    • the heavy vehicle road user charge
    • biodiesel – the biodiesel rate increase annually until it reaches 50% of the full diesel excise duty rate in 2030.

Use the ATO’s fuel tax credit calculator if you’re claiming fuel tax credits for biodiesel/renewable diesel or a fuel blend that’s B20 or below – it’s the easiest way to work out your claim using the correct rates.

The ATO website also has tips to help you get it right.