Power your great Australian journey – Ampol

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Australians are always on the move and it’s this innate momentum which Ampol has powered since 1936 and will continue far into the future.

As our country continues to evolve, so does our fuel and energy offering. Not only will Ampol provide the highest performance fuels with Amplify Premium Fuel but will keep you moving with AmpCharge electric vehicle charging, and energy, solar and hydrogen solutions.

So, whether you’re at home or on the road, Ampol powers our way of life.

Helping heavy truck and road freight operators go further on a full tank of fuel

Did you know? Comprehensive testing has confirmed Ampol Amplify Premium Diesel can increase heavy vehicle fuel efficiency by up to 3%.

Working in the road transport industry means you play an important role in the life of all Australians by helping to keep the wheels of the nation turning.

Constantly working in Australian conditions means the demands faced by heavy vehicle and long-range freight operators can be tough. Large trucks, semi-trailers and road trains are expected to keep going the distance, at times under extreme weather, over uneven road surfaces and often in remote areas.

To help keep your mighty machines going the distance and operating at their very best, Ampol has developed Amplify Premium Diesel, now available at many of our truck stops across our expansive network.

It’s specifically formulated to ensure the injectors in your truck engines remain as clean as possible to help keep them performing with maximum efficiency.

Find out more. – Ampol Amplify Diesel Road Transport Case Study

Connecting with communities  

Ampol continues to be inspired by the people and communities they engage with across Australia. These connections drive Ampol’s commitment to giving back to Australia through a wide range of partnerships and community engagement programs.

Whether it’s helping children in need to succeed at school through The Smith Family’s Winter Appeal or being a part of Australia’s most popular sporting events, community and sporting partnerships are focused on youth education and safety.

Ampol’s supporting education and personal development programs for Indigenous youth – through the Clontarf Foundation for young men and the Stars Foundation for girls and young women.

Ampol’s also proud to be the national partner of Surf Life Saving Australia and for decades have supported the extraordinary work of The Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service. These iconic organisations share Ampol’s commitment to safety and belief in being a positive contributor to communities across the country.

Fuelling the sporting spirit, too

Sport is part of the Australian spirit and passion, so it’s a natural fit for Ampol and one more way Ampol connects with communities. Ampol partners with Triple Eight Race Engineering and as co-naming rights partner for the Red Bull Ampol Racing Team as the official supplier of the fuel that drives their performance.

Ampol is also the official fuel of the NRL and are proud to be naming rights sponsor of the Ampol State of Origin series, the nation’s most watched sporting event.

At a community level, Ampol facilitates the Ampol Little Origin program that provides school-aged boys and girls the chance to dream big and join their Rugby League heroes in a special State of Origin experience.

Read more about how Ampol is powering greater journeys here:


Did you know? As part of your NatRoad membership you get access to an exclusive AmpolCard offer?

Find out more about this offer here: Ampol NatRoad